Everything you must know about national vulnerability database integration

Everything you must know about national vulnerability database integration

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Keeping your IT infrastructure safe and secure is a top priority for every organization. One way to do this is to import data from the NIST National Vulnerability Database (NVD) into your asset and configuration management database.

NVD is a resource that provides detailed information about security vulnerabilities. It includes security updates, descriptions, affected systems, and links to related documentation. You can use this data source to keep your resources updated with the latest patches and repairs. Thereby mitigating potential security risks.

Understanding the scope of NVD integrations is important for your vulnerability management. Let’s take a look at what this means and how it could affect your IT assets in the future.

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What is the National Vulnerability Database (NVD)?

The National Vulnerability Database (NVD) is an index of vulnerabilities. It is managed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The NIST National Vulnerability Database contains 50,000 records of vulnerabilities and is updated daily. It’s a valuable resource for security professionals because it’s free and easily accessible online.

The NVD assigns Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) identifiers to all vulnerabilities since 1999. These identifiers serve as a baseline index for evaluating online tools and resources. The CVE contains information about a particular vulnerability in a software product. New versions of software products typically accompany these vulnerabilities. You can use them to identify potential risks associated with the use of these products.

The NVD is a collaborative effort to provide a single, authoritative source for identifying vulnerabilities and managing their risk. The NVD is the responsibility of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), while MITRE is its main CVE Numbering Authority (CNA). CVE management is nevertheless a collaboration among several vendors, third-party coordinators, and researchers. 

The CVE doesn’t encompass all discovered or potential vulnerabilities in various products. Instead, it lists the vulnerabilities known publicly at the time of their addition to the database.

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Understanding the scope of NVD integrations is important for your vulnerability management

Vulnerability management is the process of identifying, prioritizing and remediating vulnerabilities within your IT assets. The goal of this process is to reduce risk by protecting against threats such as malware and unauthorized access attempts. 

To achieve this goal, you need to know what vulnerabilities exist within your network so that you can take steps to secure them before they become problematic.

NVD integrations help increase visibility into potential security issues related to software updates or patches that may be available from vendors. 

This information can then be used by organizations looking to improve their overall security posture.It will help them identify areas where additional protection measures may be necessary based on how vulnerable their systems are compared against industry averages or other firms with similar IT architectures.

Read: Why IT discovery is critical for Vulnerability Management?

What does it mean for your IT assets?

As the threat landscape changes rapidly, many more types of vulnerabilities are being identified. Your organization’s exposure to vulnerabilities in open source components may not be fully visible to your developers. This is because of dependencies that they’re not even aware of.

This means you need a better way to ensure that the applications you develop are secure. It’s time to start using the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) integration for IT assets.

The NVD is a comprehensive, authoritative source of information on known software security vulnerabilities and exposures. It provides detailed technical descriptions, objective vulnerability ratings, links to vendors’ security notices and patches. 

It also provides comprehensive lists of references used to identify and track issues.

Using this integration makes it easy for you to search for known security vulnerabilities related to your applications’ components or dependencies without having to continuously monitor the NVD website.

By connecting your IT assets to the National Vulnerability Database (NVD), you can effectively monitor the security flaws in your system and understand how they could impact your products and suppliers.

It’s important to know which products and versions are affected by a vulnerability, because it can help you prioritize how urgently you need to update them. 

If you don’t have a way to track this information, it’s easy for something like a security patch or upgrade to fall through the cracks.

Identify and prioritize vulnerabilities with Virima Discovery

Vulnerability management is a critical part of any business. It’s important not only to ensure that your IT assets are protected from known threats, but also to understand how exposed your organization is to vulnerabilities that may have been unknown until now.

We know how important it is to keep your company’s IT assets safe. That’s why Virima Discovery solution provides National Vulnerability Database (NVD) integration for IT assets without any additional charge.

Attaching your NVD feed to Virima allows you to automatically check for newly discovered CVEs and Common Platform Enumeration identifiers (CPEs) without having to manually update your asset inventory. This ensures that you are always up-to-date with the latest threat information while still maintaining efficient processes. 

When you add ViVID Service Mapping to your existing vulnerability management tools, you’ll be able to prioritize remediation efforts based on assets’ criticality to the business, making it fast and easy to focus on what matters most.

If you’re looking for more information on these integrations, or want to learn more about other ways we can help protect your IT assets, request a demo with Virima today!

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